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Benefits of a Private Office for Your Team


Corporate offices and large edifices might light up the skyline, but they’re actually a wasted investment. With the rise of telecommunication services and digital workplace solutions, more workers are now enjoying the luxury of working remotely while remaining in constant contact with team members.

Of course, you want your business to retain all of the professional amenities of real office space, such as possessing a physical location for client meetings and premium coffee. You also need a location where you can bring the team together for important conferences and team-building exercises without the distractions and lack of privacy of a shared space. What’s the solution?

Retain all of the amenities of corporate office space on a rent-as-you-go basis with a private office space. Continue to expand and grow your enterprise by gaining access to talent across the world without sacrificing your bottom line renting offices in foreign cities with high leases. Let’s discuss what private office space is and some of the benefits it can confer to your startup or SME.

What is Private Office Space?

Similar to the open office spaces that are becoming increasingly popular, private office spaces provide startups and SMEs with a flexible workspace that can be rented by the hour or day. This type of coworking space is a turn-key office solution, allowing businesses to retain the same amenities as a corporate office setting, but without having to purchase or service the equipment.

Office space for rent is a preferable solution for tech companies that employ networks of remote workers. A private workspace provides a convenient location for mid-sized team to collaborate on projects or present your brand with a luxurious image and setting to impress clients and investors.

5 Benefits of a Private Office Space

Our rentable private offices present many benefits.

Less Overhead Costs

Printers, fax machines, projectors, cubicles, boardrooms, TVs, and the water cooler can really add up. Besides purchasing office equipment you need to continually service office equipment and hire people, such hire equipment manufacturers on retainer for expensive repairs. With a private office, you are not only granted access to basic office equipment, but also state-of-the-art equipment that could make your brand stand out the next time you invite clients to the office for lunch.

With a bring your own technology (BYOT) team of remote workers, you don’t need to pay for office computers or an IT staff. With access to free equipment, this leaves more room to expand your business or offer other employee perks that improve turnover rates.

Rent as you go

A lease in downtown Melbourne can run you tens of thousands of dollars a month. Is it really worth it when you can simply leverage a team of remote employees?

A private office allows you to rent out separate offices whenever you need it. If you only need it for an hour or one day out of the month, then why sign up for a lease?

Best of all, if you’re looking to expand or move to a different location you don’t need to break a lease and waste money on a location that will sit dormant.

Keep All the Perks of a Legitimate Business

You can rent a private office to get access to your own physical mailing address and phone number so that customers can find you over the internet. Using tools, such as Call Central, you can actually route local phone calls to your HR department located halfway around the world. You maintain all of the typical business professionalisms while completely cutting all of its overhead costs.

Fosters Teamwork

Nothing can truly replace interpersonal communication and it’s hard for some team members to become engaged in your organization while working remotely. Whether it’s a brainstorming session or bringing the team together for a conference, video chat can become cumbersome with 6 to 8 members on the line. A real office setting allows team members to connect and know each other, increasing their engagement in collaborative processes.

Work Flexibility is the Best Employee Perk

 A private office space allows you to manage your team remotely the majority of the time while bringing them together for important tasks. Employees value work and hour flexibility so much more than ping pong tables and snack machines. Studies have shown that work flexibility decreases the amount of vacation time employees take and improves employee turnover rate.


Perfect for mid-sized and larger teams, a private office space allows businesses to reach employees across the world and bring remote employees together to improve overall team performance. With affordable pricing, our private offices serve as a great starting point for SMEs to save money and eventually scale to own their own corporate buildings they can erect amid a major city skyline.

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