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Expectation vs. Reality #startuplife


If you’re finding that your #startup life is a little too much reality and not enough expectation then maybe you should check out Christie Spaces – An inspiring boutique-gallery workspace where we combine a CBD address with a flexible & collaborative business centre for startups, entrepreneurs and business leaders. Discover a space that works for you.

In the meantime check out five ways that #startuplife isn’t as glamorous as it appears on television…

1. Dream Office Space


When you hear the word ‘startup’ its natural for your mind to fantasise about a vast, open-plan office complete with on-site barista and ball pit breakout areas. Movies like The Social Network and The Intern just make you want to quit your corporate job and bask where the grass is greener.


Working from a cupboard under the stairs that picks up the WiFi from the café next door… You’re a wizard Harry!

What people don’t tell you that you’re more likely to be working in some dingy space where you can skive off the free Wi-Fi and wonder what would happen if you chose not to choose life… and chose something else.

2. Every Day’s A Party


You expect to walk into work in the morning to tunes pumping over light-hearted banter while the office French Bulldog, Gerard, scurries from desk to desk begging for treats. Every day’s a party in Startup City.


You haven’t been to a party since your last work Christmas party.

In reality, you haven’t had the energy or time to attend a party since you were dragged along to your boyfriend’s Great Aunt’s 70th Bonanza in Forster eight months ago. You walk into the office where a team who’s functioning on three hours sleep, greets you with a grumble from behind their headphones…. An office party is nowhere to be seen.

3. Rolling in Cash


In your mind, it’s a slow Tuesday, and you’re not really feeling that tuna salad you brought in for lunch so you decide to take your whole team out for a Yum Cha banquet… Oh, and throw a few bottles of wine in as well. You’re rolling in cash, so you don’t think twice about leaving a big tip.


Rolling in a doona you’ve had to pick up from a council clean up.

The reality is you can’t afford to buy a barista-made coffee, and instead resort to grinding your own beans, and using recycled grounds for cup after cup…

4. Social Media Rush


It’s only been two weeks since you started posting on your business’ Insta page, but you speak Hashtag fluently in so it comes to no surprise to you that your “Followers” already reads 11k and you’re hitting hundreds of likes per post.


Can’t get past 500 followers.

In reality…You were pretty quick to get to 100 followers after you shared your page with your friends and family, but for every 2 followers that you gain, you seem to lose 3 more. You take every ‘unfollow’ personally so every now and then your coworkers find you in the foetal position under your desk crying and moaning “Why don’t they love me?!”

5. Your end vision stays your motivation


You have your end goal clearly in your mind’s eye. All you need to do is take out your fresh new planner, break your journey into stages and divide each stage into manageable goals. You’ll be popping bottles of French champagne to celebrate your business’ liquidity and personal financial freedom in no time at all.


You’ve taken so many turns you don’t even remember your original vision any more.

It’s been five years since your initial idea came to you and you’ve come through so many setbacks, roadblocks and words of ‘friendly advice’ that you can’t even remember what that idea looked like anymore. What started out as a mobile business management platform has morphed into an e-commerce store selling custom-fitting knitted socks for Siamese cats.

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