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Practical Project Space Ideas


The traditional office setting presents many flaws for businesses. Not only does renting a huge office space eat up a large chunk of your operating budget, but it also limits your ability to expand and leverage employees from different locations across the globe.

The 9-5 workweek doesn’t make sense for the digital economy. Productivity can be improved by giving employees the option to work where and when they want, based on their own needs.

That’s why coworking spaces have entered a new growth phase in the past decade.

Many companies even offer employees the ability to work from home, which is a unique perk of its own. While we offer a variety of remote-work-ready office spaces, creating a DIY project space could be fun and creative, depending on the type of person you are.

If you’re looking to create your own home office, we’re here to offer some advice. There are essentials that every office requires, from a desk to a computer and chair. Here, we’d like to discuss some ideas we’ve gathered and some cool DIY projects that other people have created to customize your own office space.

Finding the Space

As we pour through our daily routine, we often become accustomed to a certain order of how things are. As you look through your home, there may be an office space readily available in an extra room or closet, but what if we don’t have the space?

A chic room divider could offer space in a corner of the dining room or an upstairs living room if space permits.

A quiet corner or nook can be easily converted into an office workspace with a simple pull out desk and some floating shelves.

An L-shaped desk could quietly transform any open corners into a divided workspace. Even a simple closet can be transformed into a unique office space.

You could always create the bedroom office, but we find this unappealing for two reasons. First, you don’t want to associate your bedroom (the room where you sleep) with work and stress. Secondly, do you really want to wake up in your office?

Tips to Save Space

When evaluating space, consider the essentials required for a home office. Your workspace will require a desk, chair, computer, office supplies, printer, a space for writing, and storage for books and binders. Beyond this, your desk and workspace need to be in reach of an ethernet wall jack for the internet, a phone line for an official business number, and a little bit of sunlight to keep you motivated.

Fortunately, working from home will provide you with the amenities of home, such as a coffee maker, kitchen, and private bathroom. Acquiring the space for your home office requires a little creativity and a little cleanup around the house.

It’s time to declutter organize, and test out those craftsman skills!

Separate office supplies and organise your desk by gluing some mason jars together.

Some other ideas to save office space include:

  • A pegboard for small office supplies, such as crafts
  • Floating shelves
  • Old shutters for mail
  • Binder clips to untangle chords
  • Dry-erase paint and coating to convert walls into whiteboards
  • Create a desk out of bookshelves and a door for extra storage options

Colour Scheme

There’s a reason some entrepreneurs choose to throw aquariums in their office and paint over those stark white walls. Your office setting directly affects productivity and psychologists have found that color directly impacts this.

Walk into any boutique office space or corporate headquarters and the first thing you’ll see are black and blue encrusted marble floors, with a chic, granite desk sitting at reception. This is meant to create the first impression of luxury to guests as they walk in.

Colour affects mood and perception. Not only does this matter from the employee’s point of view but also from the impression you’re seeking to impart to clients.

You’ll notice that some offices are different than others in design. Your Silicon Valley startups will often feature contemporary, dynamic designs for inspiring creativity. Others may feature more rigid, modern designs for uninterrupted workflow.

Many people recommend painting office settings with metallic accents to retain a focused atmosphere. Go bold if you want and match your colour to your profession. For the technical bunch, blue is a colour that directly stimulates the mind. Green has been found to create balance for the body and red is for the fitness aficionados. Finally, many psychologists agree that yellow is the colour for creatives.

Evaluating the Home Office

The practicality and design of a home office depends on your budget and preference. Some people can only freelance remotely while others crave the community of the shared office setting.
Consider a boutique shared office space at a low, pay-as-you-go membership that covers all of your amenities with Christie’s Spaces. Not only do you get the latest in chic, contemporary design, but all of the essentials you need to innovate and disrupt. From your own office supplies to conference rooms, many people choose project spaces because they provide them with the resources required to launch and sustain their business without the costly investment.

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