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The Top 5 Resources for Entrepreneurs


The success of entrepreneurship depends on the effective use of tools and resources. With modern technology, there is no scarcity of resources for people looking for them or advice on how to begin your entrepreneurial venture. Although you might have to pay to get certain types of resources, many free alternatives could also be available. Whether the resources are paid or free, your success as an entrepreneur depends on how effectively you use the resources at hand. Furthermore, there are a few tools that an entrepreneur cannot do without. Let’s take a look at these and find out how we can use them effectively for your business’ success.

Resources for Entrepreneurs

  1. Funding

No business can start functioning without financial resources. You need to find ways to fund your start-up – find people to invest in the business or get funding from venture capital and use your own funds or loans. There are many ways to secure funding for your start-up. Make sure you also explore the various schemes and projects your government might have in place for aspiring entrepreneurs like you. Another option is to get your friends and family to invest in your project.

These days there are options such as crowdfunding as well. If you have the right business model and present it to the interested parties in the right manner, funding should be the least of your worries.

  1. Human Capital

No matter how much money and machinery you invest in your business, if you don’t have the right person for the right job, you’ll not succeed. It is important to create a cohesive workforce. Your human capital is the most important resource you have. It might be possible to replace machinery or to find extra funding – but it is extremely difficult to replace a good employee/team member.

When you build your team, ensure the core group understands the value of human capital. Also, unlike all the other resources, humans have emotions and feelings. You can use the emotions and feelings to work for you when you create a feeling of oneness among your workforce. If you fail to make that connection, your human capital might not yield the best results it could.

  1. A Strong Network

Networking is an essential part of your business success. If you don’t network and leverage with your contacts while setting up or running your business, you are unlikely to succeed. The best promotion you could have is the word of mouth publicity. If you can get the word spread among your network, you are likely to get a positive response, especially when you follow it up with excellent products/services.

It is always good to have strong support from your network and slowly you can extend the network as you grow your business. Moreover, the people in your network would be from different backgrounds, and you can leverage that to get your business up and running.

  1. Technology

These days almost everything runs on technology. So, no matter how small your business might be, you should be equipped with some basic technology to run your business smoothly. Computers with a good internet connection, telephone systems, and an online presence are a must for any business these days. Make sure people can find you online on their phones or via an app. A website and a dedicated customer care line are also much needed for most businesses.

You should also invest in other essential gadgets such as printers and scanners that help run your business efficiently.

  1. Good Marketing

Finally, whatever you do, you need to get the word out there. As mentioned above, you can leverage your network to spread the word. But in a constantly expanding market, that will not suffice. You need to have a clear marketing strategy in place right from the start. Your customers should know where to find you and how to find you. A multi-channel marketing strategy to promote your business is the need of the hour. You can either have an in-house marketing manager to get things done or get expert advice from specialists.

Likewise, you can use social media to reach out to existing and potential customers. They are often the best means to reach the masses. Most of the time, you will be able to gauge the impact of your marketing strategy from the responses you receive on your social media channels. As a start-up, you should try to weave your marketing strategy to garner more attention and reach. A good way to reach out to people would be through positive reinforcement or by highlighting how you can bring a positive change in their lives.

You will have to use a combination of these resources to achieve success. In certain scenarios, you might have to give more emphasis to one of the resources. But that doesn’t mean you can overlook the others. Every resource will be used in varying degrees according to time and circumstances. The best way to ensure success is to be ready to use them all judiciously – never ignore one for the sake of another. Also, always keep your eyes and mind open for new avenues and resources.


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