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What Makes a Successful Workplace?


According to one study, 86% of employees surveyed believe that ineffective collaboration and communication was the cause of workplace failures. When defining a successful workplace, we include profitability, as well as high employee satisfaction and low turnover rates.

A successful workplace not only improves productivity, but it also attracts the best talent to your company from around the world. Consider how a company like Google, with its own unique culture and incentives, thrives as one of the technological leaders of the world.

Creating a successful workplace starts by setting up a system where trust and engagement among employees and top-level management are actively fostered. Consider these tips to help attract and retain the world’s top talent and create a successful workplace where you even enjoy going into.

Establishing a Unique Culture

Creating a culture for your office starts with a unique mission statement. What values do you wish to instill in your employees and workplace? Successful companies assimilate their employees into an organisation way of life that’s special and rich in history.

At Google, this culture is referred to as being ‘Googley.’ In fact, Google’s commitment to employee satisfaction is so profound that they hire people specifically to design employee incentive programs and decrease turnover rates.

Creating a special inclusive culture for employees is a stepping stone toward crafting a unique identity. This further encourages individuals to set up goals at your company to acquire unique roles- if the incentives exist.

Internal Incentives

A keystone factor that every company culture wants to establish is a preference to hire internally. Offering internal promotions incentivizes employees to take the lead on projects, open up lines of communication with top-level management, and increase their productivity.

One way to foster internal development is through employee training programs. This could include footing the bill for tuition or offering free seminars for leadership programs. Consider that hiring and promoting increases loyalty and remains much cheaper than having to train a new employee.

Competitive compensation allows employees to earn bonuses and commissions based on performance. Not only does this encourage greater output, but it attracts the right kind of talent to your organisation. No one wants to work at a dead-end company.

Open Communication

Show your employees that their opinions are valid and that you care for them by always opening up the lines of communication. This tip starts with upper-level management and should be implemented all the way down to the lowest employees.

People seek these three factors out of their employers in terms of communication:

  • Trust
  • Engagement
  • Transparency

Communication doesn’t always have to be positive either. If your company suffered a bad quarter, let people know and invite them to participate in discussions on how to improve performance.

These steps encourage open communication for all employees, across departments and among team members. Referring back to the opening statistic of this article, management should always seek alignment with team members on tasks and projects. Increased engagement between senior management and lower-level employees also imparts more education and hands-on training.

Amenities and Benefits

With the right office-setting, you can increase the productivity of your employees. This also depends on your company culture. Some companies may offer boutique shared offices, while others will opt for a modern, traditional office setting.

Regardless, you’ll want to create an atmosphere that encourages productivity without making people feel like you’re at work. It sounds stupid, but it’s true. This is why Google offers its employees endless free meals and allows them to bring dogs into work. They want to create an atmosphere that employees are free to enjoy any amenity they desire and tap into their natural loyalty and motivation to boost productivity. At Google, people are exposed to exceptional talent and feel like they are a part of something bigger.

In the digital era, we’ve realised that traditional perks, such as unlimited vacation time, don’t increase retention. Unlimited vacation time actually offers adverse incentives for employees where they actually feel too guilty to take time off. This is why you’ll see many companies invest in bean bag chairs, ping pong tables, or even offer midday naps. More than appearing to be fun, many new tech startups and entrepreneurs want their employees to feel free.


With freedom comes flexibility. One of the most important employee perks a company can offer is the freedom to work when and where they want. Some people are introverts and prefer to work in a private office, while others prefer to work in a shared office setting. Regardless, the option to work remotely or to move to separate destinations across the globe is an endearing perk for employee retention.

The 9-5 workweek is also outdated. Some companies have experimented with four day weeks and long weekends or allowing employees to choose their own hours. Companies like Google actually offer employees blocks of time during the workday to pursue personal interests and offer resources to help people achieve them.

Companies Live and Die By Employee Satisfaction

Contrary to what most believe, employees have a huge say in what direction a company will take. Consider that employee strikes have brought companies as large as GM to their knees. There also exists a huge incentive for startups and businesses to invest in the best talent to grow out of their company.

Building a successful workplace starts with establishing a culture that directly incentivises success. Building out the right team should come second as people will naturally be drawn to innovators and entrepreneurs primed to disrupt and dominate markets.

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