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Who Works in a Coworking Space?


Coworking spaces give people in the workforce an opportunity to be productive in a place other than their home or office.  Coworking spaces are especially popular among remote workers who feel that they are lacking in human interaction and want to work in a space where they can network and bounce ideas off of like-minded people.  However, remote workers are not the only people who can benefit from co-working spaces. So who really works in these shared spaces?

Demographics of the Coworking World

You might think that coworking spaces are utilised exclusively by remote workers just out of college, but the current average age of coworking space members is a little over 36 years old.  What may have been thought of as a predominantly millennial practice is becoming popular among people of all different ages who share a common goal – to be successful and thrive in an environment that encourages it.  In coworking spaces, the oldest members tend to be entrepreneurs in their early 40s, followed by freelancers around 38 years old.

People who work in coworking spaces are typically highly educated, with approximately 85% having finished some kind of higher education.  Of course, not all members of coworking spaces have the same level of education, but what they have in common is the desire to collaborate with other passionate people and work in an environment where that is encouraged.  Working in a coworking space is often more beneficial than working at home or alone in an isolated cubicle because the positive energy in coworking spaces tends to spark creativity among workers and enables them to engage in conversation. Even for people who prefer to work quietly, just getting out of the house and being surrounded by other working individuals can eliminate feelings of loneliness and isolation.

In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of women joining coworking spaces. In fact, there are several all-women coworking spaces, which can be comforting for women who may otherwise feel that they aren’t supported in a regular office.  Many women are also joining unisex coworking spaces, which is a huge stepping stone for women in the workforce. In fact, women make up about 40% of coworking spaces, and the number continues to rise.

Out of all the people working in coworking spaces, freelancers are perhaps the largest group.  This could be due to the fact that many freelancers typically work from home, so coworking spaces offer an alternative to just working from their couch.  Many freelancers feel that they can be more productive in a coworking space, because there are often too many distractions at home.

Coworking spaces can be beneficial to people of all ages and professions, as they allow creativity, growth, and networking. Find the space that’s right for you!

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