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Why Extroverts and Introverts Both Add Value to Your Business


Nobody is 100% extrovert or introvert. Some people are ambiverts and sit somewhere in the middle, but many people tend to lean to one side or another. And this is a great thing. Can you imagine how exhausting life would be if every person in the world were loud and boisterous or how eerily silent it might be if we were all inwardly contemplating?

While it’s desirable to have outspoken, quick thinking networkers on your team, hiring only extroverted people is like playing a game of football with a team full of forwards and no defence. Extroverts and introverts complement each other on many levels.


  • Prefer to be prepared rather than comfortable speaking on the spot
  • Think things through
  • Notices – attention to detail
  • Listeners
  • Problem Solvers
  • Written communication
  • Independent – concentration
  • Team oriented


  • Quick thinkers
  • Networking
  • Risk-takers
  • Morale boosters
  • Deal with problems as they arrive

Quick Thinkers and Contemplators 

You’ve just sat down to check your emails only to find out the design you’d sent out to multiple parties which are to be featured on websites, email signatures and billboards needs to be a slightly darker shade of puce. In times of crisis when a fast and effective solution is needed to meet a deadline, having quick-thinking extroverts on board can really save your bacon. At other times you need to play the long game and work through a problem slowly and methodically. Here’s when introverted people, with their tendency to put their head down and grind away, earn their paycheck.

Risk takers and Think Through-ers

Progress can’t be made without a little risk, and extroverts are naturally more likely to go out on a limb when suggesting a strategy for the business to grow. Too much risky business can lead to ruin though, and this is where introverts bring things back into balance. Introverted people generally aren’t comfortable being put on the spot, and as a result, they’re often super prepared and well-practised at thinking things through.

Networkers and Listeners

Your business can’t exist in isolation. You need customers, clients, partners, suppliers…the list goes on. To get these, you need networkers. Extroverts are naturals here, while introverted people might flee the country to avoid a networking event. They make up for this aversion with their tendency to nurture relationships, whether that might be with clients or within your team.

Presenters and Writers

Having a broad communication skillset can be one of the most desirable qualities in a potential employee. The same goes for the communication capability of your business. Having outspoken employees who feel comfortable in front of a team or a crowd is just as important as having quieter workers who put their heads down and excel more at producing written content.

Morale Boosters and Empathisers

A company’s culture is the oil that allows the engine of your business to run smoothly. Extroverted people are great morale boosters, more likely to be cracking jokes and radiating positive vibes around your workplace.

Introverts tend to thrive more in one-on-one interactions, so when you need someone to confide in or vent to, you might feel more comfortable talking to someone like this. If you feel positive, safe and comfortable about coming into your workplace, chances are you’ll be able to focus better and deliver better quality work.

Collaborators and Self-motivated, Independent Workers

When applying for a job, have you ever written something along the lines of “I thrive in a collaborative team environment, but am also self-motivated and work well independently”? Why did I even ask, of course, you have.

They’re both desirable qualities in an employee, but it’s likely that your strength lies on one side of that scale rather than smack bang in the middle. Introverted people tend to prefer individual focus while extroverts generally love bouncing their ideas off other people. The fact that both of these work modes have their strengths means that you cover your bases when you hire people who lean close to either end of this spectrum rather than only people who sit in the middle.

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