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How Businesses Can Network In Coworking Spaces


Offering a number of benefits for businesses of all sizes, from cost savings and flexibility, central locations and a wide range of amenities, coworking spaces are becoming increasingly popular. One of the biggest benefits of coworking is the opportunity to network with other businesses. In shared office spaces, you are surrounded by other professionals who can become new connections, new opportunities, or potential partners.

However, connecting with other businesses in a coworking space can be difficult. For individuals who are hot desking to businesses with private offices, it can be difficult to build meaningful connections with other businesses. If you’re new to coworking spaces or aren’t the most extroverted person, here are a few tips for meeting new people and coworking space networking.

Tips for Coworking Space Networking

Be open to meeting new people

The first step to networking is being open to meeting new people. This means being friendly and approachable and being willing to strike up conversations with people you don’t know. Chances are that others who work in a coworking space are interested in networking too, so don’t let your nerves stop you from forming new connections and building a bigger network!

Get involved in the community

Most coworking spaces have a community of members who are active in events and activities. Getting involved in the community is a great way to meet new people, learn more about the other businesses in your space, form meaningful connections with like-minded individuals, and build your coworking network.

Use social media 

Social media can be a great way to connect with other businesses in your coworking space, and businesses beyond! Follow other businesses on social media, join groups and communities related to your industry to expand your network. Whatever your goal is, social media can help you accelerate the process.

Be patient

Networking takes time, so you can’t expect to make a ton of connections overnight. Just be patient and continue to put yourself out there, and you will eventually start to build a network of valuable connections. In our very connected world, we are only a handful of connections away from everyone, so you never know who you might meet through networking!  

How Your Business Can Start Coworking Space Networking

The great thing about coworking space networking is that you already have a space and an audience for events. Many coworking spaces will be supportive and encouraging for your business to host events as it brings businesses closer together, so get creative! 

Whether it’s an event relevant to your field in the form of a workshop, a one-off celebration for an obscure holiday, or a regular happy hour gathering, events are a great way to get to know new people from your coworking space, to bring businesses together, and to learn from each other. When hosting an event, be sure to invite other businesses from your coworking space, as well as businesses in your local area. 

Mentorship programs are another great way for businesses to connect with others, whether it’s seeking out more experienced businesses whose experience can be learned from, or providing mentorship opportunities to students, businesses can start to foster valuable relationships in coworking spaces.

By working alongside individuals from diverse industries and backgrounds, businesses can expand their network and develop new partnerships and collaborations. Coworking spaces regularly host events, workshops, and seminars that give businesses the chance to learn and grow from the experiences of others. 

Benefits Of Networking In Coworking Spaces

Coworking communities can offer support, guidance, and mentorship, helping businesses navigate challenges and overcome roadblocks. By leveraging the networking opportunities and communities available in coworking spaces, businesses can generate new ideas and solutions whilst building strong relationships and connections that can help drive success and growth over the long-term.

Coworking space networking can be a great way to make new connections, learn about new opportunities, and find potential partners. If you are looking for a coworking space that can help you network with other businesses, get in touch with us today to learn more about our coworking spaces and how we can help you build your network.

How To Build Your Coworking Network At Christie Spaces

At Christie Spaces, we host regular professional and social events to give our members the chance to connect with the wider Christie Spaces community. At Christie Spaces, we pride ourselves on providing a unique and personalised experience for you and your team, in a connected and positive community that everyone can enjoy!

From our members breakfast, to lunches, wine & cheese events, to seasonal events like our International Women’s Day and Melbourne Cup celebrations, Christmas party, Easter Week, and Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, there are a number of events for you to discover to get to know your fellow coworkers! 

Using our app, members can discover and RSVP to our events to start their coworking network!

About Us

For over 40 years, we’ve provided versatile office space & conferencing facilities across Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. As an industry leader of shared offices and coworking spaces, we’re proud to offer our members an unmatched combination of genuine flexibility and authentic support.

From hot desks, part-time offices, short-term offices, and private offices, all of our memberships give businesses access to a range of facilities such as meeting rooms, board rooms, and conference spaces to take your business to the next level. We are much more than just a workspace, we provide a community for your business to thrive. With a broad range of professional and social events, we enable members to connect and network across industries.  

If your business is considering making the switch to a coworking space, Christie Spaces can help. Get in touch with our team to discuss our flexible offerings today.

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